I love reading books not just set in other countries but written by authors of those same countries. Writing styles can be very different from culture to culture, and I find that to be especially true with Sweden. The language is more minimalistic but no less able to great a full picture of the story being told. These are some of my favorite books both set in Sweden and written by Swedish authors.
The Beartown series by Fredrik Backman
I LOVE this series! It’s set in a tiny town in Sweden, a community that revolves around junior hockey and getting their players into the NHL. But this is NOT a sports/hockey read. It’s a lot more than that. It’s about loyalty and family, about right and wrong, with a bit of a thriller aspect. And it has some dark moments. So good!
The first book is a series on HBO, too!
Let the Right One Inby John Ajvide Lindqvist
This one is a horror novel, an interesting take on the vampire genre, set in the 1980s. It has all kinds of twists and turns, as well as some unexpectedly heartwarming moments. It’s also been made into a movie, a Swedish one with the same name and an American one with the title Let Me In.
The Unit by Nnni Holmqvist
This is a complete mindf&@k of a novel, a dystopian novel that really makes a reader question their values and beliefs. It’s a bit of a cautionary tale about the value of men and women as they inevitably age. It’s a wild ride that I LOVED!
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