Writing Up Wednesday is a brand new meme, this one for authors! It looks like fun, so I thought I would join in.
Writing Up Wednesday #1: What are your writing goals for 2017?
Where do I start?!
Goal 1: I’m just a few chapters from being done with this round of edits on Kissing Frogs. I still need to do some work on pacing and then I have a fantastic friend (and author) who offered to read through it again. Then either more edits or off to the editor and then I get to hit PUBLISH! That will be nice!
Goal 2: I have a prequel to Kissing Frogs that is about 2/3 written, a short novella. I plan to finish that, get it edited, and publish that this year.
Goal 3: I have a horror novella almost completed that I plan on publishing around early October,
Goal 4: I have been brainstorming with an idea for a book and I want to continue to flesh that out and hopefully begin writing it later this year.
Goal 5: I have just over 50,000 words in the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo, but it isn’t finished. I would like to finish it and get that going. It needs a lot of work. Plotwise, it is about 59% done, which would give me a pretty big final word count. But I didn’t do a lot of revision as I wrote and I think once the story is down, edits will DEFINITELY pare it down to a more manageable size.
You have such awesome goals!! Good luck to you. I’m still just hoping to finish my one little novel. I’ve really lost steam in January but hoping to pick it up again in February.