Writing Up Wednesday is a brand new meme created by Lizzy of The Bent Bookworm, this one for authors!
Writing Up Wednesday #5: What’s Your POV?
Point-of-view can make or break a book. The right one draws you in, gives you just enough information to keep you entertained and reading to see what happens next. The wrong one is nails on the chalkboard of your brain. If you’re not familiar with the different POVs, there’s an awesome, detailed article here on Novel Writing Help. There are 3 main POVs in fiction: first-person (a huge favorite in YA fiction), third-person limited, and third-person omniscient. I’m not going to get into a breakdown here – there are TONS of helpful articles around the web for that. So for now, think about your current WIP. Are you consistent with your POV, or do you use multiples? If so, do you handle it in a way that won’t confuse your reader? How did you settle on your POV?
I have two current WIPs, one in editing and another in first draft. And they are both in 1st person. One is the prequel of the other. I have another that is on temporary hold and that one is in alternating POVs, a horror novel. In my two current ones, POV is obvious, the main character. In the other, I use chapter subtitles to clarify the POV. For the WIP in editing, I wanted it to be in the female voice, because it fit better with the story. For the prequel, I’m writing it in the voice of the male protagonist. It is his story, his history. For the horror novel, I started with a single POV, but the story developed into something new. That’s one the second POV came into play.
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