Writing Up Wednesday is a brand new meme created by Lizzy of The Bent Bookworm, this one for authors!
Writing Up Wednesday #9: Wordcount Woes
Writers seem to either obsess over word count or ignore it altogether. Which are you? Why do you find it important or not?
Word counts… a necessary evil. Especially at NaNoWriMo time, the 50,000 word count goal. Meeting the 1,667 words a day target often kicks my ass. Why? Because I stress out way too much about that word count and it hinders me. But word counts, especially as a daily goal, can have their uses, too. I set them for all of my projects because it helps me track my productivity. I’m a busy chick with a lot going on so maybe my daily target is low, but it works for me. 2,000 words a day. And I almost always make it, even though the 1,667 goal of NaNoWriMo kicks my ass more often than not. I think it’s a lot like running. I loved it when I did it for myself and on my own, hated it when the Army made me do it.
I keep a table for every manuscript that tracks my word counts. My daily goal is 2,000 words. I track my actual daily word count, my target total word count to date, and my actual total word count to date. It helps me track which days I do better than others and allows me to play with my writing schedule so that I can stay on point. But I don’t obsess over it. I tend to go over most days, so that makes up for the days when I struggle a little. The less the stress the better!
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