Book Notes: Reading Journals

Posted 6.17.2020 | Wednesday
categories: Reading

It’s no secret that I love pens and notebooks, pretty papers and washi tape. It’s also no secret that I love a good spreadsheet. These two, while seemingly on opposite ends of the spectrum, can go happily hand-in-hand for a nerd like me.

I have a dot-grid notebook that I use for my reading journal. I keep it simple… 2 pages each month to list the books I read, where I got them, how many pages, genres, the audience, and how many stars I give it. It’s nothing fancy, but it feels good to put pen to paper. I add quotes as I come across them, thoughts as they occur to me.

My spreadsheet is the true marker of my nerdiness. It has a sheet to track info about every book I read, another one for ARCs I read. There’s a sheet to track my book hauls, another for a bookish wish list, as well as another for upcoming releases. And then there is a sheet for every reading challenge I do.

But it’s the first sheet that is the nerdy kicker. It tracks every stat known to man, more than any normal person could ever want. I’ll show you my shame; just click them to see them bigger.

Told you… I’m a nerd. There’s a hidden sheet that calculates and propogates that entire sheet, except for my monthly favorite read. Yes, I’m a dork. Totally okay with that.

What about you? Do you have a reading journal? Or spreadsheet? Both?

About Kim

A mom, a wife, an Army vet, a hardcore reader, and a writer with too many stories to tell! Read more here.

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