Sunday Snippets: The Scarlet Ribbon

Posted 10.6.2019 | Sunday
categories: WIPS

This is a little snippet from a brand-new WIP, The Scarlet Ribbon. I’m not going to share too much about it quite yet, but here’s a little taste!!

© Kim Deister, The Scarlet Ribbon

There are few things in life more grounding than looking at an array of bills due and realizing that you are in imminent danger of needing to relocate to a park bench. Admittedly, in October, the days in Las Vegas were generally beautiful. But nights in the desert weren’t quite so toasty. And I wasn’t made for living rough. I knew that about myself, not a single doubt. But my savings account was getting lighter by the moment.

The biggest kick in my ass? It was entirely my own damn fault. Sloane Taylor, you are a fucking idiot. Harsh, maybe. But accurate? Definitely. There was no way around it. It was a bad life choice to quit a job that paid almost $90 grand a year when one has pushing $200 grand in student loan debts, not to mention run-of-the-mill bills.

Somehow, years of watching crime dramas on TV had fooled me into thinking that criminal defense law was glamorous and exciting. But there was nothing glamorous about having to defend a man accused of raping his thirteen-year-old stepdaughter or a woman who’d tried to off her husband because he’d gained twenty pounds. That man had learned a hard lesson about choosing a life mate; it didn’t pay to hook up with a fitness buff if you had a fondness for snack cakes. The entire experience taught me a hard lesson, too, albeit a different one.

Figure out what the fuck you want to do with your life before you drop the Benjamins on law school.

About Kim

A mom, a wife, an Army vet, a hardcore reader, and a writer with too many stories to tell! Read more here.

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