Reading slumps are, for me, a bizarre phenomenon. I love to read in an almost obsessive way. I read multiple books at a time, multiple genres. So the idea of a reading slump is weird to me, even when I’m in one. I mean, how could someone as crazy about books as I am have a reading slump? But it happens.
Most of the time it happens right after I’ve finished a book, but once in a while it will happen mid-book. Nothing will spark my interest, not even old favorites. And reading slumps can be hard to get out of, too. So here are some things to try the next time you are in a slump!
1. Change up your genre.
Sometimes I get in a rut with genres. I’ll read a slew of psychological thrillers and then BOOM! Not even the next great one I have on my TBR sounds appealing. So take a break and try something new. Think of it as a palate cleanser!
2. Read someplace new.
It sounds like a little thing, but sometimes all it takes is for me to read my book somewhere else. My couch is my usual reading place, or the beach. So sometimes, pre-pandemic, I pack up and head to a café or coffee shop to read instead.
3. Reread a favorite.
Sometimes going back to a book I love and rereading it will help. It can be a good way to remind yourself how much you love to read.
4. Ignore your TBR.
My TBR is out of control. Realistically, to get through it, I’d have to… (a) be immortal (b) stop adding books to it (c) not do anything but read for the rest of my life. It can be easy to see that TBR as a chore list, which isn’t motivating at all. So jump away from it, cut yourself a break, and find a book that isn’t on your pile.
5. Read something short/easy.
There’s a sense of accomplishment in finishing a book, which can be all you need to get over your slump. This is a little bit of a palate cleanser, too, prepping your brain for something else without the committment of a longer work.
6. Take a break.
Cut yourself a break and don’t read for a few days. Sometimes you just need some down time with anything you do. So just relax!
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