The holidays are swiftly approaching, so I thought I’d go in search of fun gifts perfect for gift lovers! Most of these are also from small businesses.

I love this bookmark, the Wicked Witch of Oz fame!
Buy it: 3DCreationsNmore
Price: $12
On the surface, this might look like more of a planner gift than a bookish gift. But these are great for flagging bits in hardcopy books that you want to make note of for a review or for book journalling, etc. I use them especially when I buddy read, writing little notes on them and marking points I want to talk about later.
Buy it: Amazon
Price: $6.99/1200 stickies

This is such a great idea! It’s the perfect bookmark for someone who never has one on hand, or who loses them. A notepad of tearaway bookmarks! They’re even helpfully labeled!
Buy it: Book Shop
Price: $18
This is one of my favorite bookish-things shops! The scents are amazing, and come in wax melt form as well as multiple candle sizes. This one is one of my favorites!
Buy it: Frostbeard’s Studio
Price: $8+

This artisan has all kinds of bookish gifts beyond these baskets, too, many of which can be personalized. I love this so much!
Buy it: missbohemia
Price: $14.34
This is a great gift for bookish people who loan their books! It’s simple and unobtrustive.
Buy it: StampByMeStudio
Price: $9.99+

There are a lot of “blind date with books” on Etsy! For this one, you pick the demographic, themes/genres, etc. You can even send a link to your Goodreads, and the curator will use it to match you to a book. And it comes with bookish goodies!
Buy it: CrispPagesandCo
Price: $15.50
These bookmarks are so pretty! They have a variety of themes, from the heart to a little bird. You pick the design, the color of the bead, and the name!
Buy it: kraze4paper
Price: $10

What gifts would you add to my list?
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